John C. Cannon





Deforestation for Chocolate Legal in Peru

Deforestation for Chocolate Legal in Peru

Liberia Locals May Lose Land Rights To Palm Oil Industry

Liberia Locals May Lose Land Rights To Palm Oil Industry

Scientists Sound the Alarm on African Palm Oil Investment

Scientists Sound the Alarm on African Palm Oil Investment

Illegal Logging Still a Struggle in Cameroon

Illegal Logging Still a Struggle in Cameroon

Half of Borneo’s Mammals Could Lose a Third of their Habitat by 2080

Half of Borneo’s Mammals Could Lose a Third of their Habitat by 2080

Company Chops Down Rainforest for ‘Sustainable’ Chocolate

Company Chops Down Rainforest for ‘Sustainable’ Chocolate

Amazon Gold Rush Destroying Huge Swaths of Rainforest

Amazon Gold Rush Destroying Huge Swaths of Rainforest

Amazon Forest Protection By Locals Most Effective

Amazon Forest Protection By Locals Most Effective

Locals Pay the Price for Palm Oil

Locals Pay the Price for Palm Oil

Examining Forest Restoration Commitments

Examining Forest Restoration Commitments