James Grundvig

James Grundvig

James Grundvig is a former contributor to Epoch Times and the author of “Master Manipulator: The Explosive True Story of Fraud, Embezzlement and Government Betrayal at the CDC.” He lives and works in New York City.


The Lethal Suspects for Microcephaly in Brazil, With Zika Virus at the Bottom of the List

The Lethal Suspects for Microcephaly in Brazil, With Zika Virus at the Bottom of the List

How Filipinos Raised Their Flag Over Scarborough Shoal

How Filipinos Raised Their Flag Over Scarborough Shoal

The Zika Breach of Public Trust: The Wealth Transfer Model From US Taxpayers to Big Pharma

The Zika Breach of Public Trust: The Wealth Transfer Model From US Taxpayers to Big Pharma

Book Review: ‘The Burn Pits—The Poisoning of America’s Soldiers’

Book Review: ‘The Burn Pits—The Poisoning of America’s Soldiers’