Healing Stories
“My Healing Journey” is a special series of stories written by people who found unconventional paths to wellness when they had nowhere else to turn. If you would like to submit your own healing story to inspire and share with others, please submit to the website link below.


Website: https://www.theepochtimes.com/health/how-to-submit-your-healing-story-5480410


‘Each Step Was a Victory’

‘Each Step Was a Victory’

‘I Learned That Forgiveness Is to Accept Everything As Is’

‘I Learned That Forgiveness Is to Accept Everything As Is’

‘I Knew Long COVID Was What I Was Dealing With’

‘I Knew Long COVID Was What I Was Dealing With’

‘Come Out of the Cocoon and Fly Like a Butterfly’

‘Come Out of the Cocoon and Fly Like a Butterfly’

‘My Nervous Breakdown Became a Spiritual Breakthrough’

‘My Nervous Breakdown Became a Spiritual Breakthrough’

‘We Had a Great Love We Felt Was Rare’

‘We Had a Great Love We Felt Was Rare’

‘If You Have a God, You Need to Get Right With Him’

‘If You Have a God, You Need to Get Right With Him’

‘I Knew That My Boy Was a Gift From God’

‘I Knew That My Boy Was a Gift From God’

‘I Decided to Have My Throat Blessed’

‘I Decided to Have My Throat Blessed’

‘Kaye Asked Me to Help Her Die’

‘Kaye Asked Me to Help Her Die’