Ellen Wan
Ellen Wan
Ellen Wan has worked for the Japanese edition of The Epoch Times since 2007.


Ancient Methods for Alleviating Symptoms of Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis

Ancient Methods for Alleviating Symptoms of Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis

Durian: The ‘King of Fruits’ May Be Smelly, but It’s Packed With Nutrients

Durian: The ‘King of Fruits’ May Be Smelly, but It’s Packed With Nutrients

82-Year-Old Japanese Nutritionist’s Healthful Banana Vinegar Recipe

82-Year-Old Japanese Nutritionist’s Healthful Banana Vinegar Recipe

Excessive Napping May Increase Risk of Cardiovascular Disease and Alzheimer’s

Excessive Napping May Increase Risk of Cardiovascular Disease and Alzheimer’s

Food as Medicine–Mulberries Provide a Multitude of Health Benefits

Food as Medicine–Mulberries Provide a Multitude of Health Benefits

Rhubarb: Liver, Kidney, and Heart Protection, Cancer Prevention, and Weight Loss

Rhubarb: Liver, Kidney, and Heart Protection, Cancer Prevention, and Weight Loss

Anger Increases Risk of Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke: Study

Anger Increases Risk of Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke: Study

8 Amazing Health Benefits of Figs: Boost Heart Health and Reduce Cancer Risk

8 Amazing Health Benefits of Figs: Boost Heart Health and Reduce Cancer Risk

Periodontitis Linked to Systemic Inflammation: Choosing the Right Toothpaste for Prevention

Periodontitis Linked to Systemic Inflammation: Choosing the Right Toothpaste for Prevention