David Matas
David Matas
Human Rights Lawyer
David Matas, an award-winning Canadian human rights lawyer and a member of the Order of Canada, serves on the board of directors of the Toronto-based International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development. In 2010 he was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for his work related to the investigation of forced organ harvesting crimes against Falun Gong practitioners in China. Matas co-authored "Bloody Harvest: The Killing of Falun Gong for their Organs" and co-edited "State Organs: Transplant Abuse in China."


Organ Transplant Abuse in China: What Is to Be Done?

Organ Transplant Abuse in China: What Is to Be Done?

The Iran Nuclear Deal—an Analysis

The Iran Nuclear Deal—an Analysis

The Killing of Falun Gong for Their Organs: Recent Developments

The Killing of Falun Gong for Their Organs: Recent Developments

Organ Sourcing in China: The Official Version

Organ Sourcing in China: The Official Version

Commemorating the Holocaust

Commemorating the Holocaust