By examining tiny wobbles of Saturn’s moon Enceladus—whose cosmic quavers are detectable only in high-resolution images taken by NASA’s Cassini spacecraft—planetary scientists have discovered that a global ocean lies beneath the moon’s thick icy crust.
After long hours harvesting forage, managing livestock, and milking cows, family members who work on the family dairy farm make $22,000 less annually than comparable hired managers.
People who think they know a little something about a topic—confident though they may be—commonly and easily claim knowledge they couldn’t possibly have.
To help find life beyond our solar system, scientists have created a colorful catalog containing reflection signatures of Earth life forms that might be found on the surfaces of far-flung planets.
The “wrong-way” dunes on Saturn’s largest moon, Titan, may be due to long timescale changes in their orbit around the Sun—similar to changes that caused ice ages on Earth.