Anjali Jaiswal




India’s Green Bond: Bright Example of Innovative Clean Energy Financing

India’s Green Bond: Bright Example of Innovative Clean Energy Financing

From Delhi to Lima: India’s Win-Win Opportunity to Grow a Low-Carbon Economy

From Delhi to Lima: India’s Win-Win Opportunity to Grow a Low-Carbon Economy

Moving Forward on Climate Protection: India Engages with World Leaders on Phasing Down HFCs

Moving Forward on Climate Protection: India Engages with World Leaders on Phasing Down HFCs

Retrofitting Mahindra Towers: ESCO Model Enables Energy Efficiency Savings in India

Retrofitting Mahindra Towers: ESCO Model Enables Energy Efficiency Savings in India

New Report Series: India’s Burgeoning Solar and Wind Energy Markets Jumpstarting Job Growth

New Report Series: India’s Burgeoning Solar and Wind Energy Markets Jumpstarting Job Growth

Building Smart Cities in India

Building Smart Cities in India

Solar Energy: Improving the Livelihoods of India’s Rural Salt-Pan Farmers

Solar Energy: Improving the Livelihoods of India’s Rural Salt-Pan Farmers

Build Smart From the Start: Making the Business Case for Energy-Saving Construction in India

Build Smart From the Start: Making the Business Case for Energy-Saving Construction in India