Confidence in China’s Social Justice System Died When ‘Cop Killer’ Was Executed

In Shanghai, in the early morning of November 26, Yang Jia was executed for the murder of six police officers. Nationwide, many Chinese bloggers immediately began posting their comments on some of China’s famous chat websites offering their condolences and calling him a hero.
Confidence in China’s Social Justice System Died When ‘Cop Killer’ Was Executed

In Shanghai, in the early morning of November 26, Yang Jia was executed for the murder of six police officers. Nationwide, many Chinese bloggers immediately began posting their comments on some of China’s famous chat websites offering their condolences and calling him a hero. Although there is much uncertainty surrounding this case, one thing that is certain is that the general public in China has lost its confidence in the criminal justice system.

On July 1, Yang allegedly broke into the Zhabei district police station of Shanghai, stabbed six policemen to death and injured three others. Many cultures would consider this a despicable crime which should not go unpunished. However, in China the police comprise a large and powerful group of people who are often viewed as being extremely corrupt. This being the case, most Chinese people see Yang as a lone hero who stood up against the corruption. They praise him as a valiant person who was quick with a knife, a hero, and so on. On October 13, a huge crowd of petitioners successfully made it to the front of the High Court in Shanghai to support Yang. People could be heard shouting, “Long live Yang Jia, Down with fascism!” and “Down with the CCP (Chinese Communist Party)!”

The reason why Yang has become a hero despite the fact that he is a “cop-killer” is that in China, a lot of people have long since lost their faith in the social justice system. Over the years, the Chinese people have compiled endless complaints against the police. However, because in China, one is “guilty until proven innocent” and one grows up hearing horror stories of police brutality and other forms of humiliation and torture one may be subjected to if arrested, people are terrified to speak out or stand up for the greater good based on what may happen to them and/or their loved ones if they try. Yang’s actions have now given some a small glimmer of hope.

Amidst Yang’s bravery and calmness, the CCP seemed extremely frightened. For this reason they were very quick to eliminate him.

Many of the basic facts surrounding the whole case are still uncertain. During the second trial, the police showed part of a video showing four dead policemen who were allegedly killed by Yang within seven seconds. However the police were unable to provide a complete video recording showing exactly how Yang killed those policemen or even if it was Yang who in fact did the killing. That is to say, there was no irrefutable evidence. Many people firmly believe in the high likelihood that Yang was beaten, tortured, and humiliated during his six hours of questioning. Strangely enough, there doesn’t seem to be any complete record of Yang’s questioning. Once Yang was killed, the truth about what happened died with him.

Yang was most likely killed for the fundamental interests of the CCP. The Chinese regime could only prove that Yang was guilty and that the police were innocent by getting rid of him permanently.

Yang’s mother may have had an idea about why Yang killed the police. However, at the same time as Yang’s arrest the CCP unlawfully detained Yang’s mother, supposedly for the reason of treating her mental illness. Could this have been to prevent her from testifying or force her to advocate Yang being assigned a government attorney? However the CCP couldn’t detain her forever, as she would petition for her son as soon as she was released as long as Yang was still alive. Once Yang was dead, she would lose the motivation to testify and wouldn’t be much of a threat to the CCP.

Yang Jia’s death has delivered yet another critical blow to any faith people may have once had in the communist one-party system. People have come to understand that if justice is what they want, they aren’t going to get it from the CCP nor can they expect any grand amnesty from the President, Hu Jintao. Today, we say good-bye to Yang Jia.  Perhaps tomorrow we will say good-bye to the CCP.

Original article in Chinese.

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