Wuhan Citizen Praises US for Handling the Epidemic More Humanely


A reader of the Chinese language Epoch Times living in Wuhan compared the CCP virus outbreak in China and the United States. After comparing the two governments’ handling of the epidemic, she believed that the CCP’s cover-up has caused a much greater disaster.

“As an average Wuhan resident, I did not receive any warning before our departure,” Kathy said she made plans to visit the US in January during the Chinese New Year break last October. Before her trip, she made a restaurant reservation to have New Year’s dinner with her family. Now thinking back on this, she finds it quite scary.

“The Chinese regime didn’t tell us anything… well actually, they did. The ‘stopped rumors,’ they said the epidemic is preventable and controllable, and this is why people are so angry about Dr. Li Wenliang’s death.”

Kathy said all the information was blocked in Wuhan, no one could access any news about the outbreak. One of her distant relatives’ entire family all passed away within a month.

Even though the outbreak has also happened in Silicon Valley, she feels differently than she did back when she was in China.

Kathy: “Here, in the US, the news is very transparent. People here are not as anxious but are instead more rational. I can watch Trump’s briefing every time. In China, how will people get compensated? No one has addressed this issue or on resolving societal issues. All in all, it is not transparent there. After the CCP claimed the situation had been contained, they reported zero new domestic cases. I did not bother to look at their data anymore. The data they provided is useless.”

Although the outbreak disrupted Kathy’s original travel plan, she and her family cannot go back to China, she has found accommodation here with some help. Kathy said, “Whether we feel the fickleness of the world or we feel the universal love of humanity here, we are learning something new every day.” “Sometimes I don’t feel I am a tourist anymore, as I extend my stay here. I feel a sense of belonging, and it makes me feel that this is how a human being should be living life.”