World Falun Dafa Day Celebrated at Entrance to Old City of Jerusalem

Hundreds of tourists and residents in Jerusalem learned about the ancient Chinese practice of Falun Dafa and how it is severely persecuted in China.
World Falun Dafa Day Celebrated at Entrance to Old City of Jerusalem
Young Falun Gong practitioners give out fliers about the discipline, on May 9, 2014 outside the Jaffa Gate in Jerusalem. Vadim Berestetsky
Rakefet Tavor

JERUSALEM—Falun Dafa practitioners in Israel celebrated Falun Dafa Day at the Jaffa Gate entrance to the Old City of Jerusalem on May 9. Hundreds of tourists and residents watched many practitioners demonstrate the exercises method and received from them a comprehensive explanation about the peaceful practice and how the Chinese Communist Party has harshly persecuted the discipline in China for the past 15 years. Many residents and tourists expressed their opposition to the brutal persecution and signed a petition calling to stop it immediately.

Ido, a young Israeli man wearing a skullcap said in an interview with Epoch Times that the organ harvesting from Falun Gong was a serious moral problem that is contrary to Judaism and humanity. He said, “[there] should be a strong involvement of a body that can act on behalf of the persecuted practitioners and eradicate from the world the phenomenon of organ harvesting.”

Eli, a Falun Gong practitioner for 14 years, said that this method helped him considerably improve his physical condition and, more importantly, improve his mental state so that he was relaxed and at peace in everyday life.

“Citizens of the world must take now a moral stand and tell their governments and members of their parliament to turn the Chinese regime and tell it to stop this persecution,” Eli said. “There will be a day when everyone of us will be asked: ‘What did you do when this Holocaust happened and you knew about it? Did you come forward alongside practitioners? Did you took a stance against this persecution?’”

See full coverage of World Falun Dafa Day 2014.

Rakefet Tavor
Rakefet Tavor
Rakefet Tavor is a graduate of Information Systems Engineering from the Technion, with over 15 years of experience in analyzing research data in scientific journals. She currently serves as the science correspondent for Epoch Magazine in Israel.
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