Woman Accused of ‘Disturbing Public Order’ in Family Text Message

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In Hainan, south of China, a woman’s message to her family about buying rice got her into trouble. She was arrested for spreading rumors and was charged with the crime of disturbing public order. - woman: I didn’t think of it (at that time).

Police: You didn’t think of it?

woman: Possible. Maybe. If I had thought twice and considered more, I wouldn’t have sent this message.

Police: She sent: if you want to eat rice, you should hurry and get some. Rice from the mainland will not enter (Hainan) Island. She just sent one single message, and got arrested.

woman: Several elders told us to hurry and buy rice. So I bought some. I was just being nice to remind my family. I told them to prepare some.

Police: (Isn’t it for their own good to remind them to be prepared?) Has China in any sort of catastrophe ever lacked rice, or ever lacked food to provide for you? Because of your one single message, it caused turmoil in society. Everyone rushed to buy rice. - In the name of pandemic prevention, there was a loophole in the police arguments. He seems to forget there was a famine, just a few decades ago under the ruling of the regime.

According to the forecast of the China’s Ministry of Agriculture, the grain output in China would be 554 million tons in 2020, while the actual annual demand is 700 million tons. There will be a shortage of nearly 200 million tons if all other countries ban food exports amid the global pandemic.