WikiLeaks Releases Trove of DNC Emails, Documents, and Voice Memos

More than 19,000 emails and 8,000 attachments from top Democratic National Committee officials were released by WikiLeaks on July 22.
WikiLeaks Releases Trove of DNC Emails, Documents, and Voice Memos
Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks at the Democratic National Committee summer meeting on August 28, 2015 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Could Clinton or her aides be in legal jeopardy if they sent classified information over unsecure email while she was secretary of state? Experts in government secrecy law see almost no possibility of criminal action in the Clinton case, given the evidence that has so far been made public. Clinton’s case appears to differ markedly from those of other prominent government officials who got in trouble for mishandling classified information, including former CIA director David Petraeus, who gave top secret information to his paramour, and former CIA director John Deutch, who took highly classified material home with him. (Adam Bettcher/Getty Images)