I Pray That My Son Learns From This’: Mom in Response to Husband Abruptly Exiting Car

I Pray That My Son Learns From This’: Mom in Response to Husband Abruptly Exiting Car
(Illustration - Shutterstock)
Epoch Inspired Staff
From the archives: This story was last updated in January 2019.
In today’s world when people just don’t care about their fellow beings, everyone’s lives are so busy and their schedules are so full; it’s so easy to be so entirely caught up in your own worries and concerns that any amount of kindness for others is just out of the question.

However, there are those of us who find wants to make time for their fellow humans, and it’s really heartwarming if one gets to witness some random acts of kindness!

We’ve all been in a similar situation before. We’re on our way to the next thing on the schedule, and we’ve got to get there as quickly as possible so it doesn’t ruin the rest of the plans we have lined up for that evening. In our rush, we pass by a person in need and do not even stop to think whether they could use some help because, again, we can’t be late.

The truth is that we can always find time to help others if that’s what we truly want. Creative scheduling allows for an innumerable amount of options when trying to find time to help those around you, like the Carter family found out.

Tara Carter was coming back home from shopping with her husband, Chris, and her young son. Suddenly, Chris decided to pull over. He asked her to take over the wheel and go home with the food that they bought. He asked her to come and get him later.

She was a bit surprised but didn’t question him and simply said “Okay.” As she took over the vehicle to head home, she saw an amazing scene.

Chris approached an elderly gentleman who was trying to clean up his lawn using a push mower. He took the mower from the elderly man and continued to mow the lawn. Tara was extremely touched by her husband’s actions.

She shared this amazing experience on Facebook and wrote, “I pray that my son learns from this and randomly helps people do things like his father does.”

Soon after, plenty of comments came pouring in about people’s own experiences where total strangers have volunteered to help them or they themselves have helped other people.

One user commented, “Bravo! There are still plenty of good people in the world.”

While another said, “We need more people like this in the world. God bless those who are willing to do for others.”

“What an amazing example of how we all should be!! God bless you Chris for what you did and bless you both for raising your children that way and showing them how grand love is,” another said.

It is comforting to know that amidst so much pessimism in the world, people in the general public do care about each other. People are innately kind!

Epoch Inspired staff cover stories of hope that celebrate kindness, traditions, and triumph of the human spirit, offering valuable insights into life, culture, family and community, and nature.
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