Inclement weather may continue to affect the 2008 Olympic Games, with a 30-40 percent chance of showers expected on Tuesday. Beijing saw its fair share of rain over this past weekend.
On Sunday, the second day into the Olympic Games, a thunderstorm arrived early in the morning, causing flooding in some areas and a storm warning upgrade from yellow to blue by Beijing’s Weather Bureau.
The storm intensified during the women’s cycling road race, and Chinese cyclist Meng Lang fell off her bike at a curve.
The men’s clay target shooting event was concluded in the heavy rain.
The women’s archery teams were at their semi-final match in the Olympic Park when the rain hit. South Korean eventually defeated China for the gold medal.
Heavy showers continued into the afternoon, interrupting the tennis games three times. The games had already been postponed in the morning, because of the 10:30 a.m. storm and were interrupted twice later on. At the time, nine out of the 20 scheduled events were delayed. Officials called off remaining events for the evening.
After dissipating Monday, a chance for showers is predicted for Tuesday.
On August 15 and 16, light rainfall is expected in Beijing. By August 19, there could be another active storm front moving in to China’s capital city.g.
Olympic Events Hampered by Heavy Rains
Regular rain storms continue to hamper Olympic events in China

ALL WET: A man pushes a tricycle along a flooded road after heavy rain on August 10, 2008 in Beijing, China. China Photos/Getty Images
By Feng Changle