Video Shows Moments After Brussels Airport Blast

A shocking video shows moments of panic after a blast hit the Brussels Zaventem airport.

A shocking video shows moments of panic after a blast hit the Brussels Zaventem Airport. The video was obtained by ABC News.

According to ABC, the person who took the video, Taa Wongbe, was in Terminal B and rushing to catch his flight to Liberia when the attacks happened. He said there was extensive damage.

What we feared has happened.
Charles Michel, Belgian Prime Minister

“I didn’t hear the bomb go off but what I did see was at the entrance there was a shattered window,” Wongbe told ABC.

“There was some damages to the front and police officers and other officers with guns, just making sure that everyone is okay and pushing people to the exit,” he added.

Multiple attacks hit Brussels, Belgium on March 22. Bombs hit the capital’s airport and one of the city’s subway stations. The blasts in the airport left major damage and chaos, as travelers rushed out of the smoking building. The subway attack followed about an hour later on a rush-hour train near the European Union headquarters. Passengers were forced to evacuate to safety through dark tunnels.

“What we feared has happened,” Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel told reporters.

“In this time of tragedy, this black moment for our country, I appeal to everyone to remain calm but also to show solidarity,” he added. 

The country has raised its terror alert to the highest level. The city is on lockdown and planes and trains have been diverted.

Airports all over Europe immediately raised security.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.