Robin Williams’ tributes have been spotted in World of Warcraft.
Wowhead user Haldur found Robin as Genie on an island off Talador’s coast.
In order to summon the Robin tribute, gamers have to rub the Ever-Burning Lamp (possibly an eternal flame memorial).
A genie model will appear and say “INFINITE COSMIC POWER,” waves goodbye, says “Itty bitty living space,” and shrinks into the lamp; a clear nod to a Genie moment in the Disney animated film Aladdin.
A large broken egg can be spotted near by, referencing Mork from Mork & Mindy, one of Robin’s first TV projects.
Wowhead managed to datamine a version of Robin dressed like Mork, as well as a Mrs. Doubtfire model, but no one has yet found those NPCs.
Stuffed animals and tanks can too be spotted, which could potential be a tribute to Toys.
Finally, Wowhead datemined a Comedian title, but it currently is not linked to any source.
The next WoW expansion, World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor, is set for a November 13 launch.
Warlords of Draenor will be the fifth WoW expansion.
The first expansion was The Burning Crusade (2007), followed by the Wrath of the Lich King (2008), Cataclysm (2010), and most recently, Mists of Pandaria (2012).
Warlords of Draenor is in closed beta now.
According to Blizzard:
“This phase of the beta test focuses on the Tanaan Jungle starting experience and allows players to continue on into Shadowmoon Valley (Alliance) and Frostfire Ridge (Horde). High-level content will become available for testing in future updates. Level-90 character templates are available if you'd like to try a new character, or you can copy over your own high-level characters.”