Video: Woman Steals Deceased Lady’s Wedding Ring During Open-Casket at Funeral Home

Surveillance has also captured several photos of the woman’s license plate—who allegedly walked into the funeral home looking for the bathroom.

An 88-year-old deceased woman was robbed of her wedding ring during an open casket visitation in Odessa, Texas.

According to several news reports, the incident occurred at around 5:40 p.m. inside the Sunset Funeral Home.

The unknown woman approached the body of Lois Hicks, who had passed away the day before, and began to wiggle the diamond ring off her left hand.

After a little struggle, the woman takes the ring and quickly heads toward the exit.

We just never dreamed that something like this would happen. Not in a million years.
Vel Mckee, daughter of deceased

The manager, who’s been in the industry for 40 years, said thefts like this are common but stated it was the first time it happened inside his funeral home.

Police have reached out to the media hoping to gain further information in the theft.