Video: UK Politician Told to Leave Parliament Over ‘Dodgy Dave’ Comment

A video shows a UK Labor MP suspended from the Commons chamber after his “dodgy Dave” jibe over the prime minister David Cameron’s finances on April 11.
Video: UK Politician Told to Leave Parliament Over ‘Dodgy Dave’ Comment

A video shows a U.K. Labor MP suspended from the Commons chamber after his “dodgy Dave” jibe over Prime Minister David Cameron’s finances on April 11.

Dennis Skinner, 84, made the remark about Cameron during the prime minister’s statement on the Mossack Fonseca data leak—or so-called Panama Papers—in which Cameron defended his father’s offshore funds. 

One of the biggest leaks in history, the Panama Papers reveal how the rich and powerful, including world leaders, hide their wealth through offshore tax havens. The data reveals that 12 world leaders, 143 politicians, their families and close associates have been using offshore tax regimes.

Cameron said a distinction must be made between enterprise and “artificially reducing tax.”

“I accept all of the criticisms for not responding more quickly to these issues last week,” Cameron told lawmakers in the House of Commons.

“But as I said, I was angry about the way my father’s memory was being traduced,” he added.

The prime minister said “there have been some deeply hurtful and profoundly untrue allegations made against my father”—Ian Cameron, who died in 2010.

After Cameron’s statement, Skinner called the prime minister “dodgy Dave.” The Commons Speaker, John Bercow, asked Skinner to retract the comment, which is considered unparliamentary language.

Skinner refused and instead said it again.

“This man has done more to divide this nation that anybody else,” said Skinner as he pointed at Cameron, who smiled at his remarks.

“He’s looked after his own pocket, I still refer to him as dodgy Dave,” continued the Labor MP for Bolsover.

“Do what you like,” added Skinner.

Bercow then said, “I order the honorable member to withdraw immediately from the house for the remainder of this day’s sitting.”

This is the fifth time Skinner has been kicked out of the chamber.

“He’s used to this,” said someone in the room as Skinner walked out.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.