Video: Fire Department Rescues Man Who Gets Stuck After Climbing 600-Foot Rock to Propose to Girlfriend

According to its website, the Morro Rock is a State Historic Landmark that was formed about 23 million years ago from the plugs of long-extinct volcanoes.
Video: Fire Department Rescues Man Who Gets Stuck After Climbing 600-Foot Rock to Propose to Girlfriend
(Via Morro Bay Fire Department)

As Oscar Wilde once said, “Marriage is the triumph of imagination over intelligence.”

Twenty-seven-year-old Michael John Paul Banks of Fresno, California, stretched his imagination past his intelligence on April 7 when he climbed up the 576-foot-tall Morro Rock to propose to his girlfriend.

Kinney ... was safely returned to land with just a few scratches and a misdemeanor for trespassing at around 9:30 a.m.

According to the Morro Bay City website, Morro Rock is a State Historic Landmark that was formed about 23 million years ago from the plugs of long-extinct volcanoes.

It served as an important navigational aid for mariners because the rock is approximately 600 feet tall, making it the most visible in a chain of nine Californian peaks.