Video: Anti-ISIS Protesters Take Over Peaceful Memorial for Victims of Brussels Attacks

A memorial gathering to honor the victims of the attacks in Brussels was interrupted by rowdy right-wing protesters on March 27.

A memorial gathering to honor the victims of the attacks in Brussels was interrupted by rowdy right-wing protesters on March 27.

A march was initially planned, but was canceled after security concerns.

Belgium’s Interior Minister Jan Jambon pleaded people not to rally on March 27 for security reasons.

“We understand fully the emotions,” he said.

Some people were seen trampling on flowers, flags and objects that were laid at the memorial for the victims.

“We understand that everyone wants to express these feelings,” Jambon added.

However, people still gathered at the Place de la Bourse to commemorate the victims.

According to CNN, during the afternoon, hundreds of demonstrators dressed in black and some wearing masks, chanted anti-immigrant and anti-ISIS slogans. They held banners with expletive language against the Islamic State, and were seen drinking alcoholic beverages.

Right wing demonstrators chant slogans next to one of the memorials to the victims of the recent Brussels attacks, at the Place de la Bourse in Brussels, March, 27, 2016. (AP Photo/Alastair Grant)
Right wing demonstrators chant slogans next to one of the memorials to the victims of the recent Brussels attacks, at the Place de la Bourse in Brussels, March, 27, 2016. (AP Photo/Alastair Grant)

According to CNN some of the protesters raised their arms and did Nazi salutes.

They yelled “We are at home,” while mourners at the site chanted back saying, “No to hatred” and “We are all the sons of immigrants.”

Tensions rose into minor brawls when some people were seen trampling on flowers, flags and objects that were laid at the memorial for the victims.

Right wing demonstrators protest at a memorial site at the Place de la Bourse in Brussels, March 27, 2016. (AP Photo/Valentin Bianchi)
Right wing demonstrators protest at a memorial site at the Place de la Bourse in Brussels, March 27, 2016. (AP Photo/Valentin Bianchi)