Ukrainian Opposition Blocks Work of Parliament

Ukrainian parliamentarians prevented the opening of the Parliament’s second session on Tuesday, demanding absentee members attend sessions and put end to the long-standing problem of double voting.
Ukrainian Opposition Blocks Work of Parliament
Ukraine's Parliamentary assembly hall is strung with banners denouncing the practice of double voting during a session on Feb. 5, 2013. (Vladimir Borodin/The Epoch Times)
<a href=""><img class="size-large wp-image-345379" src="" alt="Ukraine's Parliamentary assembly hall is strung with banners denouncing the practice of double voting" width="590" height="391"/></a>
Ukraine's Parliamentary assembly hall is strung with banners denouncing the practice of double voting

KYIV, Ukraine—Ukrainian parliamentarians prevented the opening of the Parliament’s second session on Tuesday, demanding absentee members attend sessions and put end to the long-standing problem of double voting.

Members of the opposition parties blocked the rostrum and presidium of the Ukrainian Parliament on the session opening day. Posters hung by opposition parliamentarians read, “No to button pushers,” and “Button pushers out of Parliament.”

<a href=""><img class="size-large wp-image-345380" src="" alt="Ukraine's Parliamentary assembly hall is strung with banners denouncing the practice of double voting" width="590" height="391"/></a>
Ukraine's Parliamentary assembly hall is strung with banners denouncing the practice of double voting

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