In our daily lives, we can spend a lot of time venting our frustrations at malfunctioning ATMs, long grocery store queues, insufficient parking spaces, and misbehaving office equipment. While we'd never dare suggest that you shouldn’t grumble, maybe there’s a better outlet for your outrage!
Why not try an optical illusion?
These amazing visual tricksters have people disagreeing and debating all over the world, so get riled up about something that’s actually good for your brain!
1. How many legs #1
How many legs do you see in this picture?
Some people have suggested that they see 10, 11, or 21 legs. But by far the most popular answer is 22. Do you only count complete legs, or do you also count partially visible limbs? It’s really up to you!
2. How many legs #2
Some users are convinced that there are four legs in this picture. Others insisted that this rather unusual creature has five. What do you think?

We won’t leave you hanging this time. The correct answer is a mind-boggling one leg! Yes, you heard us right: one. Flummoxed? Well, allow us to explain.
“The reason you’ve having trouble with this image,” explained one helpful Reddit user, “is due to the fact that the artist responsible for this image was very clever. The only correct elephant leg in the drawing,” they revealed, “is the back left leg. That leg is completely intact, but the others aren’t!”

Look closely and you‘ll see exactly what they mean. The remaining legs appear complete at first glance, but if you pay attention to the details, then you’ll see that only one leg has a foot.
“The artist chopped the feet off of the legs,” our helpful commentator continued, “and put the images of the feet between the actual legs.”
Not quite ready to be outwitted, many people have refuted this answer and argued that the elephant still has four legs, even if three of those legs don’t have feet. A leg without a foot is still a leg, right? You decide!
If you love these puzzles, then treat yourself to a viewing of the video above for even more mind-blowing optical trickery!