Top 6 Reasons why Your Business Should be Using Cloud

Top 6 Reasons why Your Business Should be Using Cloud
Robert Morrison

When it first came onto the scene, a lot of people were nervous about using cloud services, because they felt that there wasn’t enough security. Well, nearly 20 years since its inception, cloud has grown by leaps and bounds, and more and more businesses are using cloud for their networking needs. Now, cloud is often used as a computing model for many corporations, and it is not a fad, nor are there many security issues. Cloud is something that is only going to get bigger, and it is not going away any time soon.

You may be wondering if cloud is right for your business. The short answer is a resounding “yes”. It is easy to use, and you don’t have to be a techie to know what you are doing. If you are ready to upgrade your operating system, your hardware, or set up remote access for yourself and your staff, you can really benefit from also using a cloud service. For example, ABC Tech Group in Fort Lauderdale is now promoting Woah cloud services which has lead to many South Florida companies moving to the cloud. It’s time for you to make that move as well. Here are six excellent reasons why you should start using cloud right away:

  1. Freedom – One of the greatest things about cloud is the freedom it allows businesses of all sizes. When your cloud vendor is hosted properly, you never have to worry about problems with your hardware. You also don’t have to worry about backup, upgrades to operating systems, and recovery from disasters, such as computer crashes. Your information will always be there when you need it.

  2. Security – Many business owners worry that their information is not going to be save on a shared service. But, as long as you are using legitimate cloud providers, you can be sure that they are complying with SOC2 and SSAE16. They are expected to have the highest levels of security in place, so clients know that their information is never going to be compromised.

  3. Mobility – You likely have a lot of responsibilities which keep you away from your desk. You need to know that you can access data from any location, even when you are not in the office. When you use a good cloud service, you can have all of your files, apps, and more delivered to any device that is connected to the Internet, including iPhones and other mobile devices.

  4. Scalability – You can easily make any changes you like without affecting anything else, as cloud is extremely scalable. You can add resources any time, or add and remove employees from the network. Unlike with other types of networking services, you won’t have to spend a lot of money to do any of these things when you are using cloud.

  5. Cost – When you are using a cloud service, you will notice that you no longer have high infrastructure maintenance fees, and you are going to save money. Capital IT expenses will become operating expenses, and you pay monthly, so it is easy to budget. There are even cloud services that are absolutely free to use, although you will not have access to as many tools as you do with a paid service.

  6. Continuity – When cloud is used properly, there is 100 percent redundancy of failover. This means that all of your backups, as well as disaster recovery, all take place at once, and only one solution is necessary to fix everything. This is another way that you save money, because everything is included in your monthly fee, and you don’t have to worry about paying extra fees for these solutions.

     Image Source: Marc