Tips to Be Happier

Tips to Be Happier
There is a strong link between happiness and close relationships with family and friends. (

Could increasing your happiness and life satisfaction help you steer clear of chronic illness?

It’s hard to say. There is evidence that people who describe themselves as “happy” seem to have fewer health problems. But having fewer health problems may boost happiness.

In any event, “happiness” isn’t static. It’s possible to make yourself happy and increase happiness to potentially protect yourself from various illnesses.

Here are some ways to boost your overall happiness and outlook:

Remain connected. Data suggest a strong link between happiness and close relationships with family and friends. Emotional stimulation is a very effective mood booster.
Volunteer. Getting involved in causes that mean something to you is another way to boost happiness.
Perform little random acts of kindness. Little kind acts like asking somebody how their day is going, buying them a coffee, or complimenting someone can boost happiness. Bake your neighbor a pie!
Have some fun. Revisiting childhood through various activities, movies, or music can also help boost happiness. Pick up a hobby doing something you enjoyed in youth.
Buy time. There are data to suggest that people who spent money on time-saving purchases, such as meal prep kits or other household chores, instead of material goods had greater life satisfaction.
Hang with happy people. Happiness can be contagious. If your social network is happy, it’s better for your own joy. But get this: If you start boosting the joy in your social networks, it can spread!

Other ways to boost happiness include practicing gratitude, breaking up routine, spending more time outdoors, and making fewer decisions.

Mat Lecompte is a health and wellness journalist. This article was first published on
Starting as a journalist over 10 years ago, Mat has not only honed his belief system and approach with practical experience, but he has also worked closely with nutritionists, dieticians, athletes, and fitness professionals. He embraces natural healing methods and believes that diet, exercise and willpower are the foundation of a healthy, happy, and drug-free existence.
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