The Marketing Corner: Rise of Snackable Video

Marketers must start to contemplate how to develop snack-sized content.
The Marketing Corner: Rise of Snackable Video

Today’s marketing environment continues to see a proliferation of changes. Keeping up with these marketplace changes has been difficult, and the changes have propelled a flurry of strategic plan shifts, budget adjustments, and management moves

Amidst the chaos, there are clear trends that are just becoming understood. One such trend is a constant for all businesses regardless of size: each must start contemplating on how to develop snack-sized content. This is content that can live not only within the mobile space but other channels, too. Ideally, the content should be able to engage consumers and stimulate consumer interaction with a given brand.

Snackable video is on the rise. Consumers are digesting a variety of video on a daily basis. They are comfortable with viewing videos on a variety of devices and platforms and are aware of the growing amount of content available. Hence, it means that you as a marketer or small business owner must adjust your strategic plans to match this behavior.

Mainstream television networks (ABC, NBC, FOX, etc.) will continue to see declines in viewership. However, these networks are leveraging their other channels, such as digital, to grow advertising revenue. Cable is expected to see modest increases given the expected improvements to programming. But, the universal belief is that digital spending will experience rapid growth. Mobile will also be a beneficiary to an increased spending.

Digital (including mobile and video) has become a dominant medium.

Brands developing assets should focus on snack-sized video content that can be easily and quickly consumed by users throughout the day. The success of many large publishers’ sites provided a roadmap on how to do it right and how to keep users coming back to influence brand preference and ultimately make the purchase.

Digital (including mobile and video) has become a dominant medium. Marketers need to put aside status quo thinking and begin the process of revolutionizing their strategic marketing plans. Asset development should include a variety of unit lengths to encompass a variety of channels. Best practice: contemplate return on investment when using snackable content throughout the day to capture and maintain engagement of consumers.

After all, if you don’t, you better believe your competitor already has and is executing a similar strategy.

Adele Lassere is a marketing/advertising consultant with 20+ years experience, freelance writer and author of “Elements of Buying” (self-help advertising guide); available at Adele was listed as Black Enterprise’s 2011 Top Execs in Marketing & Advertising and Black Enterprise’s 2013 Top Women Executives in Advertising & Marketing. Contact: [email protected]