The Best Things to See and Do in Munich

The Best Things to See and Do in Munich
Robert Morrison

If you love to travel, and you want to visit a city that has art, culture, and old-world charm, the destination to choose would definitely be Munich. The capital of Bavaria is also the capital of European art, and of beer. It is the Royal Residence, has a diverse population, from princes to immigrant workers to students, and conference members. It is also an amazing place for tourists to visit, with plenty of interesting things to see and do. There is something for everyone here, and it is an ideal vacation destination.

City Center
Let’s start with the main area of Munich, the city center. Here you will find the Frauenkirche (the Cathedral twin towers). This is the symbol of the city, and the largest South German late Gothic cathedral. Another must-see is the Neues Rathhaus, the new city hall, located at the Marienplatz. The neo-Gothic façade is ornate, and twice daily the sounds of the Glockenspiel can be heard. You can also visit Munich’s oldest church, Alten Peter (Peterskirche). From the tower, the view of the Alps is amazing.

Art Museums
Art lovers will be in their glory while visiting the city. Over a hundred museums are some of the main Attractions Of Munich. The most important of these museums is the group of the three Pinakotheken. Here you will see some of the finest art collections from such masters as Rembrandt and Rubens. You can study antique and contemporary art, and even enjoy the art of technology at the Deutsches Museum, which is Europe’s largest scientific and technical museum.

The Viktualienmarkt
If you love to shop for exotic goods, you can’t miss visiting the Viktualienmarkt (Victuals Market). Here you will find a huge assortment of wares, from exotic fruits, cheeses, breads, and other baked goods. Herbs and flowers are available, and of course, plenty of work from artists and artisans. The Asam brothers created their masterpiece, the Asamkirche, which is one of the most beautiful and perfect Rococo buildings in the country.

Nymphenburg Castle
The Royal Residence has been the home of Bavarian dukes, princes electors, and kings for half a millennium. It is located in in the center of everything, the heart of old Munich. It has long been the summer residence of royalty, and is the most beautiful baroque castles in Germany. It is considered to be one of the finest palace complexes in Europe, and inside one will see art galleries, six inner courtyards, the Treasure Chamber, the Cuvilliestheatre, banquet halls, and more. Housed here are some of the world’s most amazing art collections, including King Ludwig I’s Gallery of Beauties. The English Garden is a wonderful place for a relaxing stroll, with tracks, streams, meadows, an artificial lake, and the Chinese Tower with a beer garden.

Music and Theatre
Munich is a city where some of the greatest composers in the world have hailed from. Mozart, Wagner, and Richard Strauss are famed residents of the city. There are two incredibly beautiful opera houses, as well as three symphony orchestras, which all have international acclaim. There are also many concert halls where you can hear a variety of musical styles, and you can see classical plays and experimental stage performances.

Of course, one of the city’s biggest events is the Oktoberfest. This is the largest beer and public festival in Europe, and has long been a popular attraction for tourists. Enjoy German beer, delicious foods, and great music with others from all over the globe. Whether you are here for the festival, art and culture, shopping, or just to get away and relax, you will find what you need here. You can learn more about visiting Munich at Tripindicator

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