Texas Workforce Commission Shows Job Increase for April

The Texas Workforce Commission reported a solid increase of recorded employment rates for the month of April.
Texas Workforce Commission Shows Job Increase for April
The Texas Workforce Commission reported a solid increase of recorded employment rates for the month of April. The increase includes jobs outside of the state’s agriculture industry, known for a high content of migrant workers.

The Texas Workforce Commission released a statement showing an unemployment increase from 8.2 percent to 8.3 percent that is most likely due to the jump in the number of people looking for jobs as the summer work season approaches.

In April alone 32,500 jobs were added while 79,000 more jobs have been documented since the beginning of 2010. The slight increase in the unemployment rate is similar to the national average that increased to 9.9 percent after showing a similar increase in new jobs for American citizens.

There are currently 11.2 million people employed in the state of Texas.

“The employment results were mixed in Texas for the month of April,” stated Texas Workforce Commission Chairman Tom Pauken in a press release. “While the unemployment rate in our state increased from 8.2 percent to 8.3 percent, we did experience job growth in a number of industries.”

The two major sectors of increased employment included construction and mining/logging. There were 10,600 new construction jobs in April and 2,800 new positions in the fields of mining and logging. Manufacturing jobs showed a lesser increase of 700 jobs.

The largest increase in Texas jobs were in education and health positions showing 14,800 new jobs. Professional and business positions had 7,900 new jobs while financial activities showed a slight increase of 500 jobs.

It seems conditions are favorable for finding new employment and state officials are doing all they can to assist citizens who want to work. But job seekers need to be prepared for an application process due to the high number of citizens applying.