Smart Contact Lenses-Tech Of The Future

Smart Contact Lenses-Tech Of The Future
Linda Moore

When you think of technological advances, chances are good that smart phones, computers, cars and other devices come to mind. Each passing year marks a new age of discovery. Science and ingenuity allow people to create extraordinary things. More recently there have been new discussions about what technology of the future holds for us. One of these discussions revolves around the exciting prospect of smart contact lenses. What if contact lenses had the ability to do so much more than simply improve eyesight? This concept is not as far-fetched as it may appear.

A prime example of technology, which directly affects the lives of the individuals who use it, Google Glass. Google Glass has made headlines with its new innovative design, which is in the form of eyeglasses. This technology allows the wearer to give voice commands, such as “take a picture.” As a result, a person can instantly take a picture of whatever he or she is looking at. Additionally, Google Glass allows people to get directions through voice commands, as well as to record the video! So it should not be a surprise to anyone that scientists are currently looking into ways to implement this technology into contact lenses. There are many reasons why the development of smart contact lenses could make the future much brighter for everyone.

One common complaint expressed by Google Glass wearers is that they make you look silly. They are not especially stylish, so they aren’t something you might want to wear to a formal event. Additionally, wearing them gives away the fact that you have the ability to record what you see around you. This naturally makes some people uncomfortable. However, there is no denying the fact that Google Glass has some extremely practical uses. Voice commands to send messages and translations to any language are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the potential benefits. Now, consider the benefits of being able to relay information covertly.

The development of smart contact lenses would serve many purposes. They would be discreet, which would allow them to be used in a number of situations. Military personnel and policemen could find many uses for them. Police officers already use dash-mounted cameras to record traffic stops. These recordings serve to document situations which arise during these stops, and they are often used in court to convict someone, or to prove the innocence of responding officers. Officers often find themselves inside homes or businesses in which their dash camera cannot go. Smart contact lenses would allow an officer to record events within a home. This could even serve to stop some of the violence officers face during arrests. Criminals could be aware that their actions are being recorded.

Technological developments in smart contact lenses could allow people to have access to information instantly. If someone wants to try a new dinner recipe then they can give a voice command to allow them to follow the directions while they are in the kitchen. Sometimes it isn’t convenient to follow an instructional video on your computer, especially if your hands are messy. Smart contact lenses could eliminate this problem, while changing the way we view the world around us. These contact lenses could be used for medical reasons as well. Students who have diabetes must check their glucose levels frequently throughout the day. This sometimes makes the child feel different, and it opens them up to ridicule during the younger years. A pair of smart contact lenses could allow a student to check their glucose levels without disrupting class and drawing attention to themselves.

Smart contact lenses possess the potential to make children safe as well. How innovative would it be to glean information from someone by simply looking into their eyes? Children who become lost often do not have the ability to verbalize that they are in trouble. New technological advances in smart contact lenses could allow rescue personnel to get the information they need in order to reunite a small child with their family. They could also provide directions for children to follow if they become lost in an unfamiliar area. The ability to use a voice command to get detailed directions is an innovation that could transfer from Google Glass to contact lenses.

Privacy concerns are a relevant issue when it comes to the future development of contact lenses. There will have to be set parameters instituted by the manufacturers, or perhaps they will become regulated by the government. This might become a necessity because criminals always find a way to use technology to their advantage. However, the positive aspects of smart contact lenses outweigh the negative ones. Even though this technology is still being tested, there is a good chance that smart contact lenses are definitely a part of our future and one that we may well see in our own lifetimes!

Linda Moore
Linda Moore
I am a freelance writer and enjoy reporting on a variety of topics.
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