Sleepy Senate Sparks Hot Debate

Prime Minister Stephen Harper denounced an NDP bill to abolish the senate as insincere during question period in the House of Commons on March 6.
Sleepy Senate Sparks Hot Debate
Matthew Little

The NDP has been incensed over remarks made by Senate Speaker Noël Kinsella that Parliamentary Budget Officer Kevin Page had overstepped his mandate in taking legal action against the federal government to get access to spending documents.

Last week Kinsella told the Senate that Page is under the authority of the Parliamentary Librarian and subordinate to the Speakers in the House and the Senate, and “must act within the framework of this organizational structure.” 

“By asking the courts to decide the question of his mandate, the Parliamentary Budget Officer has disregarded the established authority and organizational structure of which he is a part,” Kinsella said.

The remarks were part of a debate over a possible Senate committee review of whether Page breached the privilege of senators with his court action to get documents about government cutbacks.

On Thursday, NDP Ethics and Access to Information Critic Charlie Angus blasted the Senate for considering the review.

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