Skinny Dog Thrown Over the Shelter Fence by Owners Gets to Enjoy Life in Forever Home

Skinny Dog Thrown Over the Shelter Fence by Owners Gets to Enjoy Life in Forever Home
(Illustration - moj0j0/Shutterstock)
Epoch Inspired Staff
From the archives: This story was last updated in February 2019.
Domestic animals are a gift to us and as such should be treated with respect. The previous owner of this dog obviously just didn’t get it, as his poor behavior demonstrates. Luckily for the dog, he was helped in time.

In 2018, a strange dog suddenly appeared in the yard of the Columbus County Animal Shelter in North Carolina, and horrified staff realized the dog had been thrown over the fence—there was no other way it could have gotten in.

The starving dog, later named Sully, had a series of health issues—heartworm, anemia, skin infections, and a tick-born disease, and he was severely underweight.

A dog in such a condition would rarely have a chance of finding a forever home.

But the shelter was already filled with dogs in similar conditions like Sully.

Staff hoped someone out there would step up to take Sully, so they posted the details on Facebook. Their prayers were soon answered in the form of a foster mom with Hope Animal Rescue, named Anne Mellon. She had a keen eye for dogs in distress and was instantly moved when she saw pictures of poor Sully.
“As soon as I saw the shelter staff post Sully’s pictures and videos, it broke my heart,” Mellon told The Dodo. “I knew right away we had to go get him.”

Mellon and her roommate took him in under their wing and gave him the care and attention he so desperately needed. With regular vet visits and a good diet, his appearance began to change drastically, and before long he looked like a totally different dog, with his spirit and faith in humans renewed.

Mellon showed Sully just what life is meant to be like for a pooch, with outings in the car, frolicking on the beach, the taste of that first ice cream, and many more adventures to refresh his body and mind.

Besides that, she also showed Sully how to rest on beds and couches.

“Fostering him was amazing,” Mellon recalled. “Regardless of how he was treated in the past, he was so forgiving, and never held how he was previously treated against humans. He just wanted to be loved and love someone in return.”

“At first, he was grateful,” Mellon said. “He was sweet and gentle. He would just lay his head on your lap to be pet. His tail was always wagging.

“As he started to feel better his personality started to come out more and more. He would be goofy, hop around with excitement, play with his toys, and he has the funniest of howls.”

It didn’t take long for Sully to find his forever home after he began to shine.

He was adopted by a woman named Melissa, who had adopted in the past from Hope Animal Rescue.

“He had a rough start to life, so now he likes to enjoy the simple things in life,” Mellon said. “Staying in a comfy bed all day, good meals, short walks, car rides, new toys and all the cuddles in the world.”

Sully is now familiar with all the people in his new home. He doesn’t have to really worry about people giving up on him ever again.

Without the compassion of special folk like Mellon and others who care for animals, the plight of abused animals would be vastly different.

Let’s hope the humans who do not value the lives of animals can learn some valuable life lessons by reading about abused animals and their recovery. They need a reminder that karma knows where everyone lives; there is no hiding.

Epoch Inspired staff cover stories of hope that celebrate kindness, traditions, and triumph of the human spirit, offering valuable insights into life, culture, family and community, and nature.
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