Sad Dog Waits for Rescuer’s Return Every Day, Then Woman Shows Him the Man’s Casket

Sad Dog Waits for Rescuer’s Return Every Day, Then Woman Shows Him the Man’s Casket
(Illustration - Max Grundul/Shutterstock)
Epoch Inspired Staff
From the archives: This story was last updated in May 2019.
The photos and video of a dog mourning the loss of its human companion have gone viral, and it isn’t hard to see why.

Professor Carmelito Marcelo was a teacher at Mabalacat City College in Pampanga, Philippines, and he had a very special four-legged companion called Buboy. He had been a stray dog in Manila four years earlier, and the professor had connected with him, taking him under his wing. Buboy would turn up at the campus every day and lie at the feet of the teacher, ever faithful. The professor rewarded the dog’s loyalty by caring for him, providing him with food and friendship.

Tragedy struck one day when Marcelo suffered a stroke and was rushed to a hospital, where he was in intensive care for a fortnight before passing away on May 18, 2019. During this period back at the school, one of Marcelo’s work colleagues, Ma Kristina Paola Demafelix, began to notice Buboy would turn up at the faculty room, scratching the door and waiting for the professor.

In a post on Facebook, she wrote: “Everytime I saw you buboy, I feel like crying … lose a pet dog, it hurts,” as per a translation.

In the same post, she further explained that it was clear Buboy was confused when his master didn’t come to the university, and the poor pooch couldn’t express his feeling and all the pain, as he was completely unaware of the tragedy that had struck.

However, the faithful dog still waited patiently for his return.

Demafelix realized that Buboy needed some closure, as he'd stopped seeing his professor and had to know why the professor had stopped coming to take classes.

Marcelo shared a very deep bond with Buboy and thought of the stray as his own family, as per his sister-in-law, according to CBN News.

So naturally, Buboy would miss him. This is when Demafelix took the decision to take him to Marcelo’s funeral to help him understand that the professor would not be coming back.

When Demafelix brought Buboy to the professor’s funeral, it was heartbreaking for others to see his reaction. Mourners would lift up the dog to see Marcelo, and he would stare at the coffin, refusing to put his legs down and not wanting to leave. Then he sat patiently beside the coffin when he realized his master was lying there.

People comforted Buboy, offering him food and plenty of rubs.

When Marcelo’s coffin was taken away, Demafelix made a promise to look out for Buboy, and she would make sure he could remain at the school. Netizens felt the pain Buboy was experiencing, and the heartbreaking video of him went viral on social media, with many expressing compassion for Buboy.

He is back at school, and although he’s not likely to forget Marcelo soon, Buboy is sure to feel comfort in the care and compassion of the students and teachers.

According to an update posted by Demafelix on May 22, Buboy is back at the school and was given a bath, and is said to be doing well.

With time, hopefully he will begin to enjoy life again. With the whole school looking out for him, he is sure to feel the love.

Watch the tear-jerking video:
Epoch Inspired staff cover stories of hope that celebrate kindness, traditions, and triumph of the human spirit, offering valuable insights into life, culture, family and community, and nature.
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