Roadside Bomb Kills 11 in North Afghanistan

Roadside Bomb Kills 11 in North Afghanistan

A roadside bomb in northwestern Afghanistan killed at least 11 people Monday night, according to media reports.

Nine of those killed were part of the same Afghan family and two were police officers, the Afghan interior ministry told Reuters.

The attack occurred on the second day of the holiday of Eid al-Adha, which many Muslims around the world celebrate by visiting their families and friends.

“This is yet another crime and atrocity by the Taliban against civilians on this special day of our celebration. They will never stop killing civilians,” interior ministry spokesperson Sediq Sediqqi told the news agency.

According to the ministry, the family was in the same vehicle as the two police who had offered them a ride, reported AFP.

On Friday, Taliban leader Mullah Omar called on fighters to try not to target civilians when carrying out attacks and only focus on security forces, according to the report.

Sediqqi added that “despite their statement the other day about protecting civilian lives, the Taliban once again proved that they do not care about the lives of men, women and children,” according to the news agency.

The Taliban had not commented on the attack at the time of the reports.