Resistant Starch Food: A Possible Alternative to Dieting

Resistant starch food consumption has been shown to be a possible alternative to dieting, in a University of Colorado study.
Resistant Starch Food: A Possible Alternative to Dieting
Stay away from the sweet and tempting starches. (Cat Rooney/The Epoch Times)
<a><img src="" alt="Stay away from the sweet and tempting starches. (Cat Rooney/The Epoch Times)" title="Stay away from the sweet and tempting starches. (Cat Rooney/The Epoch Times)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1809114"/></a>
Stay away from the sweet and tempting starches. (Cat Rooney/The Epoch Times)
A study by researchers at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center for Human Nutrition shows that resistant starch food may help people lose weight.

According to Health News, the study was based on 4,451 participants. The researchers found that the slimmest people ate the most carbohydrates, while the heaviest ones ate the least. Also, the specific sorts of carbohydrates eaten made a difference between wide and trim waistlines.

The Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) and World Health Organization (WHO) support eating starch resistant food. Bananas, potatoes, pasta, whole grain bread, oatmeal, barley, and brown rice are typical examples.

The logic behind the magic of starch resistant food is that regular starch foods gets digested quickly in the small intestine and are converted into short-term energy, which, if it is not needed immediately, is stored as fat.

Resistant starch food, on the other hand, is digested through fermentation in the large intestine and converted into energy for the body more slowly. Resistant starch food stays in the body for a longer time, making people feel fuller for longer. This increase in feeling satiated also contributes to a reduction in the overall amount of calories taken in daily.

According to Health magazine, resistant starch foods improve blood-sugar control, lower cancer risk, and foster healthy digestion.