Rangers Manager Smoking in Dugout, Video Footage Shows

Rangers manager smoking: Television cameras recently caught Texas Rangers manager Ron Washington smoking a cigarette in the dugout while the Rangers were playing the Seattle Mariners on Sunday.
Rangers Manager Smoking in Dugout, Video Footage Shows

Rangers manager smoking: Television cameras recently caught Texas Rangers manager Ron Washington smoking a cigarette in the dugout while the Rangers were playing the Seattle Mariners on Sunday.

When the camera turns to him, Washington is seen inhaling from the cigarette.

Steve DelVecchio, with Larry Brown Sports, noted that the dugout area is off-limits for smoking.

However, he points out that Washington could have been taking a drag on an electronic cigarette.

The Rangers trounced the Mariners 11-2, moving to 12-6 on the season.

In 2010, Detroit Tigers manager Jim Leyland, who famously smoked in the dugout throughout his career, was forced to put the cigarettes away after Michigan lawmakers passed a bill to ban smoking in public areas.

“I’m a law-abiding citizen, so it’s just the way it is,” Leyland said at the time, according to ESPN. “We’re not supposed to smoke here, and I won’t do it. I'll try to find someplace outside somewhere, I guess, but I think you’re not supposed to smoke at all in the park.”