Experts from outside China have been demanding the CCP provide more information regarding the pandemic in China amid the ongoing flare-up.
“With so many people dying [from COVID], one can gather that such an outbreak of the pandemic must be very severe,” said Professor Michael Ming-Chiao Lai, a prominent microbiologist from Taiwan, in an exclusive interview with the Chinese language edition of The Epoch Times on Jan. 17.
Lai criticized the CCP for covering up information on the virus.
“It is likely that the outbreak in China will impact the whole world,” said Lai, “We must prevent a virus strain from causing a global outbreak.”
The key to preventing such a global outbreak is to identify the virus or its subvariants, according to Lai.
“We need to know what subvariant is prevalent [in China]. If it’s a new subvariant, the previous immunity cannot completely protect people,” Lai said.

Possible Mutations in China
BA.5.2 and BF.7—the current dominant Omicron variants—only cause upper respiratory infection, which is milder, as found in countries other than China.Lai believes that the CCP’s data is not trustworthy because “China’s information has always been unclear and not made public.”
“The most critical point is whether it is the same virus or not as before that is prevalent in China,” said Lai in the interview, “the problem is that we don’t have enough data to make a final judgment in this regard.”
“That said, it is very likely that the mutant strains in China are a little different,” Lai said, stressing again that scientists need more true information from China.
“Different variants of the virus cause different symptoms. A slight change in the amino acid and gene sequence in the virus will change its immune properties and become a new mutant strain, which will not be defeated by the previous immune system. Some strains of the virus can cause more severe illness,” said Lai.
Lai’s words echoed those of Dr. Yan Limeng, who was a member of the well-connected WHO influenza H5 Reference Lab based at the University of Hong Kong School of Public Health before she fled to the United States after questioning the origin of the COVID-19 virus.

She told the publication on Jan. 10 that her team had found “a small change” in the Omicron subvariants carried by Chinese travelers to Italy, which can cause immune escape and do more damage to the human body.
‘Against Medical Ethics’
The CCP’s abrupt U-turn of its signature zero-COVID policies is “against medical ethics,” said Lai.“I don’t agree with long-term isolation policies,” Lai said, adding that it is impossible to eliminate viruses and that people have to learn to live with them. The CCP’s stringent COVID containment measures widely damaged Chinese society, including its economy, education, and business activities.
Since last December, the CCP pushed for massive infections in an effort to achieve herd immunity quickly, while at the same time, it lacked adequate preparations of medical resources for the people and has caused numerous deaths in China. The true death toll has yet to be exposed.
Lai doesn’t agree with this extreme approach either.
“This approach [of massive infections] is to sacrifice some people to protect some other people, which is not workable ethically,” Lai blasted the CCP’s practice.
“There shouldn’t be such an idea of protecting some people by sacrificing other people, which is against [medical] ethics. We must protect everyone,” Lai stressed.