Tiananmen Square 1989: The People’s Movement (Photos)

Despite the efforts by the Chinese regime to make the population forget the events around June 4, 1989, vivid photographs taken at the time continue to bear witness to the days and weeks leading up to the massacre.
Tiananmen Square 1989: The People’s Movement (Photos)
The Tiananmen Square Command Center invited children to spend their June 1st International Childrens Day, under the Goddess of Democracy. (64memo.com)

Despite the efforts by the Chinese regime to make the population forget the events around June 4, 1989, vivid photographs taken at the time continue to bear witness to the days and weeks leading up to the massacre.

On May 19, 1989, Li Peng, premier of China, declared martial law and troops were mobilized. Over the next two weeks plus, the Chinese regime sought to shut down the student demonstrations, and the people of China sought to defend them.