Pentagon Orders Review of Ethics Training

With an ongoing investigation into former CIA chief David Petraeus, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta’s office announced there would be a review of ethics training for senior officers.
Pentagon Orders Review of Ethics Training

With an ongoing investigation into former CIA chief David Petraeus, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta’s office announced there would be a review of ethics training for senior officers.

Pentagon spokesman George Little said Thursday that Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman Army Gen. Martin E. Dempsey will work with other joint chiefs to carry out the review, according to a news release.

Little stressed that the ethics review is merely coincidental, following Petraeus’s resignation last week after he admitted having an affair, saying it “was going to happen anyway.”

“This has been an ongoing discussion,” Little said, “reflecting shared concerns.” A report will be sent to President Barack Obama by Dec. 1.

The Defense Department said in a statement on Thursday that the “majority of [military] officers lead by example, which is one of the reasons the United States military stands without peer.”

Petraeus said on Thursday that the affair was the reason why he stepped down from office, not questions surrounding the September attack on the Benghazi consulate that killed four Americans, according to an interview with HLN television.

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