Newly-Released ISIS Propaganda Video Threatens Attacks on Berlin, London, Rome

In a chilling new video titled “Fight them; Allah will punish them by your hands” ISIS threatens attacks on some of the world’s largest cities.
Newly-Released ISIS Propaganda Video Threatens Attacks on Berlin, London, Rome
(Mike Hewitt/Getty Images)

In a chilling new video, ISIS threatens attacks on some of the world’s largest cities, and calls on jihadists to carry out mass execution.

The mere 5-minute, incredibly graphic display of terrorism, features footage from 9/11 and Brussels, as well as beheadings and other ISIS fighters’ rampages in the Middle East.

Stoking fear is the goal of terrorist organizations, but New York City will not be intimidated.
Bill De Blasio, New York City Mayor

In English, with a thick Arab accent, the narrator says:

“If it was Paris yesterday, and today Brussels ... Maybe it will be in London or Berlin or Rome.”

After showing photos of London’s parliament buildings, the Colosseum in Rome, and an overhead shot of Berlin, the video begins to feature a lengthy slogan of the terrorist organization, which features shooting tactics and training footage.

In November 2015, another ISIS propaganda video included footage of Times Square, but lacked a credible threat toward the city, which was deemed a “top terrorist target,” by the NYPD’s Deputy Commissioner.

Alongside the NYPD, Mayor Bill de Blasio said the city would not be intimidated by the video.

“Stoking fear is the goal of terrorist organizations, but New York City will not be intimidated,” de Blasio said during a news conference at the time. “New Yorkers won’t live in fear and people should continue to go to work, live their lives, and enjoy the greatest city in the world.”