New Jersey Voting Via Email and Fax, But Problems Reported

Still reeling from the effects of mega-storm Sandy last week, New Jerseyans are being allowed to e-mail or fax in their vote on Election Day.
New Jersey Voting Via Email and Fax, But Problems Reported

Still reeling from the effects of mega-storm Sandy last week, New Jerseyans are being allowed to email or fax in their vote on Election Day.

Those who were forced to flee their homes due to flooding and other problems, as well as first responders, can send in their vote through either of those two methods, reported The Atlantic Wire.

It marks the first time in the Garden State that voters can send in their ballots remotely, yet residents affected by the storm could only send in the ballots if they had registered in advance.

However, voters who attempted to cast their ballot via electronic means reported problems to the news website, saying that they did not receive ballots from the email or fax system.

When some voters sent in their application to get an electronic ballot to vote, they complained that they had not received it by Tuesday, according to the website.

Tom Moran, who was trying to vote in Hudson City, said via Twitter that he sent the application on Monday but “never heard back” from the state, and his phone calls resulted in no answer.

Another New Jerseyan, Jennifer Mastrorilli, also said that when she faxed in her vote, she got a “line busy” message. And when she tried to send an email, it said the address was “full.”

For those trying to use the voting system in New Jersey, the deadline to submit a ballot is 5 p.m.

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