More Chinese Tourists Withdraw From the Party

Since news of political infighting within the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) erupted this year, many Mainland Chinese tourists in Taiwan have expressed their wish to withdraw from the CCP.
More Chinese Tourists Withdraw From the Party
The Chinese characters say 'Renounce the Chinese Communist Party.' (The Epoch Times)
<a><img class="wp-image-1780625" title="quit_ccp_medium" src="" alt="Chinese characters" width="315" height="251"/></a>
Chinese characters

TAIPEI, Taiwan—Since news of political infighting within the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) erupted this year, many Mainland Chinese tourists in Taiwan have expressed their wish to withdraw from the CCP, according to “Tuidang” (meaning “quit the CCP”) volunteers.

In Taiwan, Tuidang volunteers are located across the island at more than 30 major sightseeing landmarks and attractions, including the official residence of the late president of the Republic of China, Chiang Kai-shek, in Shilin District, the Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall in Taipei, and the Sizihwan Bay in Kaohsiung.

The Tuidang movement to renounce the CCP and its affiliated organizations took off soon after The Epoch Times published its Nine Commentaries on the Chinese Communist Party editorial series in 2004. Since the founding of the Tuidang website, which allows people to submit statements of withdrawal from the CCP, over 118 million people have renounced their membership in the CCP and its affiliated organizations.

Ms. Cheng, a Tuidang volunteer in Taiwan who frequently helps Mainland Chinese tourists quit the CCP, said that since news broke out about the Wang Lijun incident and the scandal surrounding his boss and former Chongqing party chief Bo Xilai, many more Mainland Chinese tourists have stopped by to learn about related news that is censored in China.

She said that many tourists have expressed their desire to quit the CCP after learning about the rampant corruption of “naked officials” like Bo Xilai. A naked official is defined as one who has moved his family abroad, often taking assets with him. Once there, he is beyond the reach of the CCP in case anything, such as a corruption investigation, should befall him. If he is left back at home, he is alone or “naked.”

Ms. Cheng said: “They take so many benefits from the common people, but they don’t help them one bit. Now they are receiving retribution for their deeds.”

During the most recent May 1st International Workers’ Day holiday, many Mainland Chinese tourists visiting Taiwan quit the CCP via the Tuidang website. According to the site, on May 5th, a total of 59 people from Taiwan tourist attraction sites quit the CCP using pseudonyms.

Many Falun Gong practitioners also do exercise demonstrations near tourist attraction sites. Falun Gong is a spiritual practice that has been severely persecuted by the Chinese regime since 1999. As the practice is currently banned in China, most Mainland Chinese people rarely get to see the Falun Gong exercises in public.

Tuidang volunteer Mr. Zhang noted that recent news of Chinese people in Hebei Province and Northeastern China standing up for persecuted Falun Gong practitioners has also allowed many Mainland Chinese tourists to see for themselves that people are no longer afraid to speak out against CCP oppression.

Many Chinese have submitted statements to the Tuidang website noting that they became inspired to renounce the CCP after visiting Taiwan and receiving information from Tuidang volunteers.

One Mr. Li wrote in his statement: “My spouse and I went to Taiwan for vacation and saw so many people practicing Falun Gong freely and openly, yet in China it is being persecuted! I can now see clearly the evil nature of the CCP, and I will no longer associate myself with it.”

Mr. Ouyang from Jiangsu Province wrote: “Twenty-some days ago, I finally got the chance to go to the place of my dreams—Taiwan. It is truly an entirely different world over there. One Taiwan compatriot confirmed to me the facts about the ‘Tuidang’ movement. I was so surprised and excited, I quit the CCP right on the spot.”

Read the original Chinese article.

Editor’s note: This article reports on solemn statements made by Chinese people renouncing the CCP and its subordinate organizations. Statements such as these are submitted to a website affiliate of the Chinese version of The Epoch Times, Dajiyuan. The movement to renounce the CCP, called “tuidang” in Chinese, began in late 2004, soon after The Epoch Times published the “Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party.” That editorial series provides an uncensored account of the nature and history of the CCP. The statements offer a rare and candid glimpse of history in the making: the Chinese people turning their backs on the Communist Party, choosing conscience over convenience, and peacefully ushering in a future China free of Party rule.

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