‘Monkey’ Spotted Sitting Atop Rocks on Mars

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As NASA explores Mars through Curiosity rover, believers in extraterrestrial life continue to point out discoveries of their own.

The latest comes from Scott C. Waring of the UFO Sightings Daily.  In a post dated February 6, he writes , “I found a monkey slumping as it sits on a stone along a hillside.”

Waring includes several views of the suspected primate in the image along with one of a similarly shaped animal on Earth.

While he suspects a NASA cover-up, scientists believe these sightings are likely the result of pareidolia where the brain is tricked into seeing familiar objects in surfaces like rocks. In the past, UFO hunters have publicized a number of sightings on Mars, including a gigantic mouse and a large, floating spoon.

Images from Mars Trek online app. (NASA)

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