Mars Trek Is NASA’s Answer to Google Earth for Mars

Epoch Video

Now you can get a closer look at Mars without ever leaving the ground. With what seems to be a nod to the Star Trek saga, NASA created an online interactive map of Mars called Mars Trek. It’s not without a strong resemblance to the interactive map most are familiar with---the Google Maps.

Mars Trek allows for 3D view and features points of interest on Mars, like landing sites of Mars Rovers and even the 3,200 km (almost 2,000 miles) journey of fictional astronaut Mark Watney (played by Matt Damon) in the movie The Martian.

You can find Mars Trek here.

3D view of Mars as seen through the Mars Trek online app. (NASA)
3D view of Mars as seen through the Mars Trek online app. NASA
A crater on Mars as seen through the Mars Trek online app. (NASA)
A crater on Mars as seen through the Mars Trek online app. NASA
The surface of Mars as seen through the Mars Trek online app. (NASA)
The surface of Mars as seen through the Mars Trek online app. NASA

The journey of fictional astronaut Mark Watney (played by Matt Damon) in the movie The Martian as seen through the Mars Trek online app. (NASA)
The journey of fictional astronaut Mark Watney (played by Matt Damon) in the movie The Martian as seen through the Mars Trek online app. NASA

(NASA Goddard Space Flight Center)
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center