Mom of 3-Year-Old With Down Syndrome Stunned by Stranger’s Kindness Toward Him in a Park, Posts Heartfelt Response to Him

Mom of 3-Year-Old With Down Syndrome Stunned by Stranger’s Kindness Toward Him in a Park, Posts Heartfelt Response to Him
(Illustration - Shutterstock)

A chance encounter with another parent in the park changed one mother’s day for the better. Today, this mom is sharing her story in the hope of spreading a message of positivity to parents all over the world.

“To the dad at the bounce park,” mother of six Dawn Alsept began in a moving anecdote shared on Love What Matters. “I don’t know you, but your son took off with the ball my son, Cedar, was playing with.”

“My son has Down syndrome,” Dawn continued. “Your son looked to be about the same age as my Cedar, but so much bigger and more agile. I smiled politely, and before I got up to go and get Cedar another ball, (as I have done so many times in this situation), you returned with your son.

“You didn’t do what every other parent has done; return the ball, apologize, and then go play elsewhere,” Cedar’s mom explained, adding, “No, you made my day.”

The father of the other little boy in the bounce park did something that warranted sharing. He sat down next to Cedar with his own son and taught his boy how to roll the ball back and forth to Cedar.

The father persevered through his own son’s hesitation, seeing how much Cedar was enjoying the game; Cedar giggled and clapped, and the father clapped along too. Soon, a fun, inclusive game was in full swing.

“I watched in amazement,” Dawn said. “Your wife was nearby with your other children and we all watched this beautiful example of not only inclusion, but how to really set an example for your child of how to interact with someone different.”

It didn’t end with the ball game. The father soon noticed that Cedar’s shoelace was untied, and again, rather than walk away, he leaned over to re-tie the shoelace and give Cedar a triumphant high-five.

“[Y]ou made my heart swell today,” Dawn reflected. “I love that there are parents out there teaching their typical children by example, and I felt so happy.”

Teaching kindness and inclusivity is a passion project that has been on the Alsept family’s radar for years. The mom of six even started a Facebook group named “Cedar’s Story“ after her little boy was born, to help raise visibility and change perceptions of people with Down syndrome.

The page has over 14,700 followers to date.

When Cedar was just a few months old, Dawn posted on her son’s new page:
“I like to think that the extra genetic material that makes Cedar who he is, and gives him Down syndrome, is also where his super power lies. He will likely have the superpower to see the best in others, live with his whole heart, and spread smiles.”
Cedar, aged 3, is fulfilling his mother’s wish of spreading sweet smiles wherever he goes; photos adorn the family’s Facebook and Instagram pages to prove it. Cedar even has a puppy, and the pair’s escapades bring joy to the family’s online following of thousands.
Reflecting on inclusivity and the things that matter, Dawn posted on Instagram in September 2019:
“I want all of my children to treat others with kindness and to spread that stuff around like glitter.”
There was glitter in the air that day in the park when Dawn and Cedar met a kind parent with an inspiring approach toward parenting and kids with differences. It’s worth remembering that something as simple as a ball game can go a long, long way toward making someone’s day.