From the archives: This story was last updated in May 2019.
A premature birth can be a terrifying nightmare for any parent. New moms and dads may feel helpless as their little ones battle to stay alive, and sometimes it’s the small things that can keep heads above water; the magic is in the details.For Minnesota mom Lauren Vinje and her husband, David, their little girl Freya, born several weeks premature, gave them something miraculous to keep their spirits high. Just five days after being born, baby Freya proved to her parents beyond any shadow of a doubt that she was happy to be here: she smiled. And it wasn’t just any smile; it was a beaming, life-affirming smile that has been giving hope to the parents of preemie babies everywhere since being shared.

But medical staff rallied round, Lauren did everything that a laboring mom should do, and Freya eventually emerged. She proved to be a little fighter from the get-go. “She was perfect, ours, and worth every single thing we went through to bring her into this world,” Lauren wrote. What happened five days later backed up everything she felt in her heart; the uplifting moment that Freya smiled her beaming smile from her bed in the NICU was caught on camera, and the loved-up, first-time parents couldn’t resist sharing their joy online.
Their photo quickly went viral.

Lauren’s photo had an unexpected effect on parents from around the world. As the gorgeous photo was shared far and wide, other parents came forward to share their own personal stories of heartache, stress, and joy after giving birth to premature babies themselves. Little Freya’s winning smile united preemie parents everywhere, giving them renewed hope and a reason to stay positive.

Today, little Freya is a toddler and a proud big sister to a new baby, Elowen. “She’s literally the same person as that photo shows,“ Lauren joked. ”She’s one of those kids that smiles at everyone in the grocery store.”