Merry Christmas (Free Falun Gong) and Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas (Free Falun Gong) and Happy New Year!
Evan Mantyk

While I was recently writing a poem modeled after American poet Henry Longfellow’s classic “A Psalm of Life” (see below), I found myself concluding, as poems often do, with a moment of supernatural clarity.

Simply put, all written, verbal, and electronic Christmas greetings this holiday season should be amended to read and say:  “Merry Christmas, free Falun Gong, and a Happy New Year!”

Why? The majority of the toys, Apple products, and clothing that are bought this holiday season undoubtedly will be “Made in China.” This is horrible. 

We gave China the privilege of “permanent normal trade relations” in 2000 with the understanding that engagement with the Chinese Communist Party would naturally lead to more human rights for the Chinese people.  Instead, the regime has not improved.  It issued an order just this month to continue the vicious persecution of Falun Gong practitioners.  In addition to killing, imprisoning, and torturing millions of practitioners, the persecution has included stealing the organs of many of these innocent and nonviolent people and selling them on demand as the practitioners dying bodies are thrown out like banana peels.  Plus, this month the regime also rounded up more free thinking and speaking bloggers and human rights lawyers and anyone else it doesn’t quite fancy. 

No one is surprised.  The commies are much more careful and image savvy now, but they are up to the same warped and evil-to-the-core habits that have terrorized people for generations.

My holiday shopping and your holiday shopping are supporting this odious regime and its finances.  China has also devastated U.S. manufacturing with its incredibly low prices made possible by forcing prisoners in labor camps to make products like Christmas lights and stuffed animals for export to the West.  When the United States sends an inspector, things are neatly tidied up and the game goes on.

The fact that China is the largest holder of U.S. debt also doesn’t help.  The White House, as well as any White House hopeful, sees real talk about human rights and democracy in China as a downer for the economy.

What can the little people like us really do against the world’s number two, and growing, economy?  A boycott isn’t realistic, but we can speak our minds.  A deep-seated Chinese characteristic is to save face.  This is why they pour so much money and effort into their Olympics team and win so many metals no matter the cost to human life.  All we need to do is make it clear that China’s reputation is on the line. We, the people, can do that.

Besides, isn’t this what the holidays are all about: goodwill towards all men and a sense of brotherly love?  Let’s wash the commercialism clean, purify the present-purchasing pandemonium, and say to our loved ones and acquaintances this year:

“Merry Christmas, free Falun Gong, and a Happy New Year!”


A Psalm of Christmas
What the heart of the young activist said to the psalmist

By Evan Mantyk

Tell me not in boring numbers
About today’s economy,
For our consciences grow numb-er
And become our own enemy.

Money’s not real! It’s an idea!
It’s a value agreed to give;
It’s a home, clothes, and a meal
It’s a means, not an end, to live!

Not an end after won elections
Not an end after more degrees!
But to awaken populations!
And find something greater to be!

Money is built on more ideas
Like on what it means to live well;
Does it involve clean air and trees?
Or does it make someone’s life hell?

Do we care that our Christmas lights
Are made by prisoners of faith,
Tortured and deprived of the rights
We value, or so we sayeth?

What about discrimination
That occurs outside our borders
In a trading “partner” nation
From which our shelves are mail ordered?

The Falun Gong practitioner
Is the world’s silent elephant
Crucified with modern horror
That we all knowingly permit.

We can’t not buy “Made in China”
But we can speak loud our brave minds
And let ring a meaningful change
That makes our lives a bit sublime.

Let us then speak out loud and strong
With words of both truth and cheer:
“Merry Christmas, free Falun Gong,
And have a prosperous New Year!”

Evan Mantyk is an English teacher in New York and President of the Society of Classical Poets.
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