Man Asks His 4 Dogs on Way to Park ‘Where We Going,’ Their Epic Response Is Hilarious

Man Asks His 4 Dogs on Way to Park ‘Where We Going,’ Their Epic Response Is Hilarious
(Illustration - Shutterstock)

Have you ever met a dog that doesn’t get excited when they go on a day trip? Neither have we. How about a dog that doesn’t get excited when they get in the car? Doubtful. Let’s face it; dogs get excited!

Especially these four.

YouTuber and “dog dad” to four German Pointers, Fabrizio Tessari posted a very special video of his dogs, and it’s got people in stitches. Tessari sneakily filmed his pups on a camera he had placed in the car before rounding them up for a day trip. He then bundled his four furry friends into the car and drove off.

In the video clip, as the journey progresses, the four pups proceed to work themselves into a frenzy. We suspect they know where they are going!

At one point, Tessari decides to have a little fun with the dogs, and he stirs up their excitement by asking them: “Alright y’all, where we going?” But far from provoking an inquisitive silence, Tessari’s question only gets the dogs even more riled up.

One excited dog in a car is quite enough, but four? After being asked where they are going, the dogs burst into a hilarious, synchronized chorus of comical barks and howls. They feed off each other’s excitement so completely that at one point Tessari almost has to pull over to calm them down.

He settles, instead, for hooking his arm behind the passenger headrest to keep his antsy canine companions under control. As the hilarious cacophony continues, a huge grin spreads across Tessari’s face; he’s just as amused as we are, and he knows he’s catching the whole thing on camera.

As the gang nears the park (so that’s where they’re going!), the frantic barking finally dies down. Perhaps the pups are saving their energy for running around in the park. Or perhaps they’re saving their energy for the inevitable cat-and-mouse chase when Tessari tries to round them up to go home again? Dogs will be dogs!

Tessari’s beautiful pups and their explosion of excitement amassed an incredible 1.4 million views on YouTube. Not only are we a nation of dog lovers, it seems, but we are also a nation that can enjoy the simple things in life: four dogs, a trip to the park, and 1 minute 43 seconds of unadulterated joy.
One of the four dogs, Luna, is sadly no longer with us. She passed away in 2018, and Tessari posted a touching tribute to his beloved pup on Instagram.

“You taught me many important lessons about life,” he wrote. “You taught me to walk tall in the wind, rain, and snow, but most important of all to just have fun and enjoy every moment in life.”

“Until we meet again, kid,” he concluded, “I will think about you in a positive way and smile.” What better way to remember one of his gang of four than for dog squad leader Tessari to be able to look back on a video like this?

And what an amazing way to unite dog lovers everywhere! If you need a little pick-me-up, or know somebody else whose day needs brightening, then share this video. It’s bound to have the desired effect.