Man Who Chewed Lollipop Sculptures Likely Marketing Ploy

A video showing a man who chewed lollipops into small face sculptures was likely a hoax intended to market a lollipop company.
Man Who Chewed Lollipop Sculptures Likely Marketing Ploy

A video that went viral on YouTube showing a Singapore man sculpting faces out of lollipops late last month.

In the clip, what appears to be a British tourist sits down and observes a local man named “Uncle” who chews a lollipop into a face.  

“It’s got like a nose and eyes and everything,” the man exclaims when he gets the lollipop face sculpture from the man. “Dude, that’s pretty awesome. That’s pretty rad.”

Nearly one million people watched the video, which was posted on March 27.

However, in an interview with the Chupa Chups Global Channel this week, the man named “Uncle,” it appears that the video was likely intended to boost the profile of the Chupa Chups lollipop company, according to Yahoo News.

In the latest clip, a woman who posed as a reporter asked the man if the lollipop sculptures were real, but as the camera cuts away, more and more Chupa Chups lollipops appear on the man and in the frame. Finally, the microphone turns into a lollipop. The questions and answers between the two also appear scripted.

“Why take so seriously, huh?” the man finally exclaims when the woman asks him if the video is only a marketing ploy.