Widespread Lead Poisoning Discovered in Southern Chinese Town

Widespread lead poisoning was discovered among the people of the southeastern town of Yangxunqiao, in China’s Zhejiang Province.
Widespread Lead Poisoning Discovered in Southern Chinese Town
Seven lead poisoning cases were discovered from January to May. Photo shows parents in Anhui Province displaying the diagnosis of their children having high blood lead levels. AFP/Getty Images

<a><img src="https://www.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2015/09/107955559.jpg" alt="Seven lead poisoning cases were discovered from January to May. Photo shows parents in Anhui Province displaying the diagnosis of their children having high blood lead levels. (AFP/Getty Images)" title="Seven lead poisoning cases were discovered from January to May. Photo shows parents in Anhui Province displaying the diagnosis of their children having high blood lead levels. (AFP/Getty Images)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1802676"/></a>
Seven lead poisoning cases were discovered from January to May. Photo shows parents in Anhui Province displaying the diagnosis of their children having high blood lead levels. (AFP/Getty Images)