New Law Cuts Swedish Downloads in Half

Since a new law anti-file-sharing came into effect, downloads of music and films have dropped by half.
New Law Cuts Swedish Downloads in Half
STOCKHOLM, Sweden—Since a new law against file sharing came into effect in Sweden on April 1, downloads of music and films have dropped to half of previous levels, according to Swedish news agency TT.

The law gives copyright holders the opportunity to have information about file sharers released from internet service providers through court order.

Jon Lindén, marketing director for the company who conducted the survey told TT that the decline in downloads can be viewed as a success for the controversial new law, but it may also be a mere short term effect of the large amount of publicity it has received in Swedish media.

One reason that downloads are dropping may be that many people have switched to streaming sources such as Youtube and Spotify.

“People are quite happy to use legal options, as long as they work properly,” said Lindén. “However, the uploading of material hasn’t decreased as much, and that was actually the main target for the record and movie industries.”

It is believed that those who upload material are more technically proficient, and therefore feel their identity is better protected.

“I also think there’s a certain measure of anarchism and rebellion among this group,” Lindén said.