Conviction of Ex-Swedish Police Chief Exposes Double Life

A former Swedish police chief, known for his work against violence to women, has been convicted of rape and assault.
Conviction of Ex-Swedish Police Chief Exposes Double Life
STOCKHOLM-A former Swedish police chief, known for his tireless work against violence directed towards women, has been convicted of aggravated rape and assault, in a case that has stunned Swedes.

Former chief of police Göran Lindberg was sentenced to six and a half years in prison and must pay a over $39,000 in damages to three women.

Lindberg, 64, is the retired chief of police of Uppsala, Sweden’s fourth largest city. He also served as principal at the Swedish police academy and is recognized nationwide for his long work against sexual discrimination, violence against women, and sexual harassment.

While working on various programs to prevent violence and discrimination against women, Lindberg led a double life where he used the services of prostitutes, in several cases underage girls, subjecting several of them to sadistic violence, sexual assault, and rape.

Lindberg was arrested in January after being under police surveillance and has been in custody ever since. While convicted of assault, aggravated rape, two counts of rape, 28 counts of buying sexual services (which is illegal in Sweden) and an assortment of related crimes, he was acquitted of, among other things, conspiracy to commit aggravated rape against a minor. Lindberg admits to buying sex, but denies all other charges.

Ever since Lindberg’s identity became public after his arrest, media and experts alike have been trying to make sense of his apparent double nature. During the trial, no media was allowed in the court room, but coverage has been massive nonetheless. Lindberg has kept a very low profile and made no public statements whatsoever. It is not yet clear whether Lindberg himself or any of his victims will appeal the sentence.
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